Journey to Renewal: Embracing Life After Recovery

Journey to Renewal: Embracing Life After Recovery

Journey to Renewal: Embracing Life After Recovery

Explore our five-stage recovery program, designed to reignite passion for life and instill courage in the face of challenges. Focusing on both physical and emotional healing, this holistic approach aids in rediscovering joy, building resilience, and achieving a fulfilling life post-recovery. Join us on this transformative journey to wellness.



Stage One: Recognition and Acceptance, Life Goes On

Focus: Helping recovery patients realize that even though their lifestyle may have changed, it doesn't mean life has stopped.

Strategy: Employ Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) techniques to assist individuals in reconstructing their views on health status and life, reducing negative thinking.

Simplified Understanding: Just like characters in a TV show continue living after difficulties, your life hasn't stopped due to health issues. This stage helps you see that despite changes, there are still many things to look forward to.

How to Do It: We'll talk about your thoughts and feelings, identify those that make you feel down, and work together to turn them into more positive ones.

Stage Two: Exploring New Life Possibilities and Joys

Focus: Encouraging recovery patients to explore new activities and interests, such as travel and adventure, for fun and satisfaction.

Strategy: Through solution-focused therapy, assist individuals in setting achievable goals and encourage them to take action.

Simplified Understanding: Think about what you used to enjoy or new activities you've wanted to try. This stage is like opening a new gift, discovering many interesting things in life waiting for exploration.

How to Do It: We'll set some small goals together, such as short trips or trying new hobbies, and gradually achieve them.

Stage Three: Physical Activity and Self-Efficacy for Empowerment

Focus: Enhancing recovery patients' self-efficacy and body image through physical activities like running or other suitable sports.

Strategy: Combine exercise therapy and mindfulness to help individuals experience progress and success in activities.

Simplified Understanding: Exercise can not only make you healthier but also feel great about yourself. It's like learning to ride a bike; it might be difficult at first, but gradually you'll feel confident and accomplished.

How to Do It: We'll find some sports activities suitable for you, start slowly, and enjoy the happiness brought by each progress.

Stage Four: Celebrating Victory and Resilience

Focus: Especially for breast cancer survivors, emphasizing their victory over the disease and the power of recovery.

Strategy: Use narrative therapy and group support to share and celebrate personal victories and progress.

Simplified Understanding: Everyone has their story, and your story of overcoming illness is inspiring. This stage is like sharing your success story at a friends' gathering, making everyone proud of you.

How to Do It: We'll discuss your recovery process, see what achievements you've made, and celebrate these small victories.

Stage Five: Adapting and Overcoming Limitations

Focus: Finding ways to enjoy life even in the face of physical limitations, such as needing a feeding tube.

Strategy: Apply adaptive techniques and creative therapies to help individuals find activities that suit their condition.

Simplified Understanding: Even with some limitations in life, we can still find ways to enjoy it. It's like finding new tricks in a game to get through a level; together, we can find new ways to enjoy life that suit your situation.

How to Do It: We'll explore different activities and methods to find the best way for you, allowing you to continue doing what you love.

Overall Objective: The goal of this entire therapeutic process is to reignite patients' love for life, inspire courage in the face of challenges, and focus on both physical recovery and psychological and emotional healing to improve overall well-being and quality of life. This comprehensive approach helps recovery patients not only find new hope but also stimulates their inner strength and courage in facing life's challenges.